[vc_column_text css=».vc_custom_1699302677338{margin-top: 30px !important;margin-right: 60px !important;margin-left: 60px !important;}»]
A simpler and smarter way to bring your business ideas to life with
our team of experts that will guide you through the process.
[vc_column_text css=».vc_custom_1703810035240{margin-top: 0px !important;}»]Operations has never been easier for your company, whether it’s small offline business or free craps online practice. Imagine having a partner that will take care of your company’s expansion plan by offering the following products and services:[vc_single_image image=»4423″ img_size=»medium» alignment=»center»][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_column_text css=».vc_custom_1699303226226{margin-top: 40px !important;}»]Planning – Drawings
If you plan to expand, renovate or begin a new supermarket,
we are the all in one shop.
Manufacturing & Installation
From product manufacturing to equipment installation we do
it faster and better to get your business started right away.
Employee Training & Warranty
We will train your staff to properly use the equipment and
provide warranty on both parts and labor.[vc_single_image image=»4424″ img_size=»large»][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_column_text css=».vc_custom_1699303486664{margin-top: 30px !important;}»]Rimasee is a company located in New York, where we design and distribute commercial equipment to supermarkets, convenience stores and bakery shops. We help customer optimize space and energy to reduce operational costs.
You can contact us through the Central de Compras RetailSBG.[vc_single_image image=»3454″ img_size=»medium» alignment=»center» onclick=»custom_link» img_link_target=»_blank» link=»https://www.retailsbg.com/»][/vc_column][/vc_row]