Florianópolis (SC) – After negative results in the first quarter, sales in the Santa Catarina supermarket sector grew in April, both in the comparison with April 2021 (+4.86%), and in the comparison with March 2022 (+5.02%). The accumulated figure for the first four months of 2022 is at +1.70%, all indices already deflated by the IPCA.
The data was collected in the monthly survey of the Sales Thermometer, carried out by the Association of Supermarkets of Santa Catarina (Acats) . Companies of all sizes and regions of Santa Catarina participated in this sample.
For the president of the Association of Supermarkets of Santa Catarina (Acats), Francisco Crestani, the month of April was a more favorable period due to a combination of factors related to Holy Week and also because it was a month with 5 Saturdays, which always makes the difference.
– This year Holy Week fell on the 17th, practically in the middle of the month and taking the movement of the eve of this date, all within the same month. In 2021, Easter fell on April 4, when most of the purchases related to that date had already been made and remained in the March result – Crestani stresses.
Even after this ‘breather’, the director continues to highlight that 2022 is being a challenging year for the segment.
– We are facing a combination of pressures from the basic inputs of our activity, mainly the readjustment in diesel that affects all supply logistics; suppliers arrive with readjustments in the product tables practically every month and on the other hand we have families strongly affected by the loss of purchasing power and also by this increase in the prices of the items in their basic basket. As an example, we listed an item that is essential to low-income families, cooking gas. In February 2020, the cylinder cost around R$72.00 (USD 14.6) and today the price exceeds R$120.00 (USD 24.4). As long as the inflation rate does not go down, this should also be the scenario for the coming months – Crestani warns.ACATS